On the Hardy–Littlewood–Chowla conjecture on average



Abstract There has been recent interest in a hybrid form of the celebrated conjectures Hardy–Littlewood and Chowla. We prove that for any $k,\ell \ge 1$ distinct integers $h_2,\ldots ,h_k,a_1,\ldots ,a_\ell $ , we have: $$ \begin{align*}\sum_{n\leq X}\mu(n+h_1)\cdots \mu(n+h_k)\Lambda(n+a_1)\cdots\Lambda(n+a_{\ell})=o(X)\end{align*} all except $o(H)$ values $h_1\leq H$ so long as $H\geq (\log X)^{\ell +\varepsilon }$ . This improves on range $H\ge X)^{\psi (X)}$ $\psi (X)\to \infty obtained previous work first author. Our results also generalise from Möbius function $\mu to arbitrary (non-pretentious) multiplicative functions.

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عنوان ژورنال: Forum of Mathematics, Sigma

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['2050-5094']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/fms.2022.54